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  1. Freaky Beast

    Game Events SQL

    Sorry about that. the thread has been updated with password :) Enjoy!
  2. Freaky Beast

    ProjectSkyFire 5.4.8 MoP Repack

    No one is seeding this. This is why torrents are hit and miss, people grab it and then stop seeding. Recommend that you due a 1:1 ratio, I personlly due a 5:1 ratio, but guys please, if you download a torrent of anything, please be sure to seed it back so others can get it to, that is why it is...
  3. Freaky Beast

    Freaky Beast Entertainment WOTLK 3.3.5

    Ever wanted to hang with family and friends in a world made just for you. At Freaky Beast Entertainment that is exactly what you get. A growing community full of wonderful people that just want to escape reality for a few hours and tread the wilderness of wow. We offer a stable WOTLK 3.3.5...
  4. Freaky Beast

    Legion HTML Website [NO CMS]

    Hmm. I will look into this. Nice thanks!
  5. Freaky Beast

    Game Events SQL

    I decided to take time and add all game events proper times, and some that I made myself. I decided to share these. This is for Wotlk 3.3.5. In order to use them, simply extract the file and import them to your database, and restart your Mysql and server. All game events have been updated up...
  6. Freaky Beast

    [RELEASE] AzerCMS themes

    Links Dead