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  1. vhero

    Simple Register Page for TrinityCore | Reshare |

    Can confirm this works for Cata, had to enable a bunch of stuff on PHP first though which wasn't for beginners but it works great locally, just cant give images to load outside on web which is weird.
  2. vhero

    Cant get websites working with EMUCOACH repack on windows 10? Read here!

    So I was scratching my head why I couldn't get websites working with windows 10 I set everything up right and couldn't find anything wrong with the website I had made here First of all apache that comes bundled with the repack is old and simply won't work with windows 10 so you need a more...
  3. vhero

    [FIXED/ANSWERED] emucoach releases horde areas empty??

    crossroads, splintree etc are barren wastelands is this just because they have not been worked on yet?? Surprising because the lands fine just lack of npcs and monsters which i though would be there in those areas as they havnt changed since wotlk. Edit just realised this is a bug with the...
  4. vhero

    bugged goblin quests you dont get given the items nor get told where to get them. this quest is bugged as it allows you to collect it no matter what class you pick but of course you cannot complete it because only rogues can...
  5. vhero

    Bank gold broken and stormwind bugs.

    The gold in the bank is shared with character rather than banks own gold. So you cannot deposit gold in your bank for other characters. Tehre are soldiers floating in stormwind and a couple of rabbit npcs running about in the bank..
  6. vhero

    V4 bug gmisland

    NM just realised this was nerfed by blizzard on 4.0 anyway to get old map back??
  7. vhero

    Zaxer's Control Panel 3.2.0 RC - Powerful and tiny!

    --- Updated ---
  8. vhero

    [trinity/mangos/arc] CharImport - Character Converter/importer[EN/GER]

    CharImport is a character-converter for World of Warcraft private servers. The tool can copy characters from the Armory or from a database to another server. It is also possible to store character profiles in template files, which can be divided / distributed and re-imported. You can e.g. copy...
  9. vhero

    Uploading releases to mega?

    Mediafire is decent but maybe a mirror upload to mega too? Mediafire is free but really slow.. Takes me 3 hours to download mmaps which would only take me 20 minutes from mega. If you want I could always mirror for you if you dont want to do yourself?? I own a mega account.
  10. vhero

    [Trinity] Registration & Status page for 4.3.4

    My [Trinity] Registration & Status page for 4.3.4 Free Version Welcome to my website signup page and server status page for your server! This was a very old script on the net abandoned and not working that I fixed and heavily modified especially for Emucoach. This is the free version updated...
  11. vhero

    Most reliable cheap CD key sellers. Including PSN/XBL subs.

    You buy a lot of CD Keys? Who are your most reputable CD key sites? Please this is not for advertising your own site just ones you have used in the past and are reliable so people can find cheap games. not the cheapest around but certainly the most reliable they are...