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    All Functions in C++

    Hello I wanna ask you where can i found all funtion for trinity core c++ like : Player->Givelevel(); Creature->FullCastSpellOnTarger(); where can i found all them not talking about ScriptMgr.h bool OnQuestAccept() no plz some one help me or even give me a link or anything
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    LF 7.3.5 Database

    o/ Im looking for 7.3.5 database for TC/Ashmane. I tried database from TC but 0 Cata+ spawns.
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    TrinityCore World Database

    Anyone else having trouble after compiling to get a working world database? I get errors and it wont load worldserver. Never had an issue before. Thanks ahead, Bigfoot :)
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    How To custom patch legion

    as the title says has anyone figured out how this is done its my understanding from looking at the data folder for my client that legion doesn't use the mpq file format anymore please educate me if im wrong im wanting to make some custom item's for my server i know how to edit the db2's but...
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    Chat Censor TrinityCore

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    [Exact] Quick Item.dbc Convert

    Sup friendly people. It's about time to give a fucking working tutorial how to convert a DBC patch with CSVed. Since I've seen 3 tutorials and all of them were wrong. It's simple tho. Step 1: Download this . Pre-Step: Get your servers' item.dbc and drag and drop it on the DBCUtil.exe...
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    Renaming Instance Creatures (via Subname)

    Renaming Instance Creatures (via Subname)
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    Many users with private servers use the trinity creator tool to create creatures, vendors, npcs and quests. I know personally I have spent countless h

    Many users with private servers use the trinity creator tool to create creatures, vendors, npcs and quests. I know personally I have spent countless hours researching perfect model IDs for my new vendors and NPC's, well it turns out you DONT HAVE TO . You can simply make your creature with any...
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    Add supplies to the fortress

    character_currenc total_count (在下面添加价值)
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    Database Table Description

    access_requirement 副本进入的条件 achievement_criteria_data 获得某成就所需要达成的条件 achievement_dbc 储存Achievement.dbc文件丢失的数据 achievement_reward 记录获得某成就时能够得到的奖励 areatrigger_involvedrelation 区域触发器和探索类任务的链接 areatrigger_scripts 区域触发器和脚本的链接 areatrigger_tavern 区域触发器引起进入休息状态...