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  1. R

    LoginDatabaseInfo issue (authserver.exe console disappears)

    Could you check the "SQLDriverLogFile" to see if it has anything more specific? I cant confirm if those are the free password for the sql database as i use the mists of pandaria VIP version however it passes my sniff test as to how things are named around here. I will say i still notice the...
  2. R

    LoginDatabaseInfo issue (authserver.exe console disappears)

    You seemed to have extracted everything into your OneDrive as i see by First try re-extracting everything to a folder on the desktop itself or another destination you would like. Do not try to just move everything over, actually re-extract the files as OneDrive is a bit wonky
  3. R

    AddOn Playersbot New! - MoP

  4. R

    [Other] Random dungeon finder bug

    Location: N/A Faction: Alliance Race: Any Problem: random dungeon finder doesn't work while grouped up as an alliance player. Can queue as a group if each player queues solo. I've made new characters and can queue fine as a horde player grouped or ungrouped but the moment I try and alliance...
  5. R

    [NPC] Fleetmaster seahorn missing

    Questgiver fleetmaster seahorn is missing from booty bay. He is unfortunately a large part of that zones quest chains.
  6. R

    Issue Starting up Auth and world server after Migration to V4 MoP

    I knew i was just overlooking something! Thanks!
  7. R

    Issue Starting up Auth and world server after Migration to V4 MoP

    could you maybe explain like im five how to execute it into the database? is there just a setting/tab/option in heidisql that just says "execute"? im really hung up on the execute it part im just not sure where to/how to enter those last steps and i think im just over complicating things at this...
  8. R

    Help with auth server libcrypro-1_1 dll missing.

    I can get the free version running with 0 problems but running the vip auth gives me the libcrypto is missing error. ive tried just about every solution on the forums that i could find and unfortunately am now stuck and am reaching out for some assistance. Edit: I had to go to c:/openssl/bin and...