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  1. tomlutom

    bug report - ULDUAR raid

    Because my old report is marged as fixet but in raid nothing fixed, i create new report. ulduar10man test 8.0 and 8.1 vip version charr balance druid (alliance). link to older report 01. NPC Lore Keeper of Norgannon [id 33686] not work. missing here text for aktivating second defend...
  2. tomlutom

    bug report - firelands raid

    firelands 10 man normal mode v 8.0 and 8.1 boss Beth'tilac (id 52498) = killable Loot work Boss Lord Rhyolith (id 52558) = unkillable After i dmg boss i see for some moments right foot (id 53087) and left foot (id 52577) after boss go some steps foots disapear and boss is untargetable. Boss...
  3. tomlutom


    hi any chance for repair ulduar? (v6) mobs on start area is unkilable, harpunes on Razorscale boss not work. (work only in gm mode) XT-002 Deconstructor heart is untargetable teleport not work in room behind Assembly of Iron missing quests kologarn miss i see only left arm. doors to thorim...
  4. tomlutom

    other bugs

    command - .npc info is buged everytime show npc id 0 macro - game not remember macro in spellbar. after i use port or relog macro is deleted from spellbar
  5. tomlutom

    Paladin spells bugs

    Holy Holy Shock, Holy Radiance, Crusader Strike, not generate holy power Mastery: Illuminated Healing - not work Talents: Pursuit of Justice (Increases your movement speed by 15% work) (plus an additional 5% for each charge of Holy Power up to 3. -Not work)