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  1. D

    [Azerothcore] [WOTLK] SoloFriendly Repack Reborn

    hello, is there any possibility to get multi_resource_tracker alone to add it to my server? I just prefer to play with npcbots
  2. D

    AzerothCore Individual Progression Single Player Repack (NPCBots)

    NPCBots don't heal and I don't know why(
  3. D

    AzerothCore Individual Progression Single Player Repack (NPCBots)

    Hello, thank you very much for your repack, I've done something like that before, but that I had some problems with compilation of server, and probles with database. I have one question - do you know how to track both mines and herbs at the same time? I saw that stuff in one of other repacks I...