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    [NEW REPACK] 7.3.5 LEGION WoW Repack - WoW Legion 7.3.5 Repack - Blizzlike & Fun

    Thank you very much for this repack!
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    WOTLK Image pack

    Image pack, as in, ability icons and stuff?
  3. I

    Good Legion client for U-wow

    wow dl dot net? Has pretty much every client under the sun.
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    disabling race class combinations...

    Would require both database and client GlueXML changes to pull it off.
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    [SUGGESTION]Make MoP and Cataclysm work under one hood

    Personally seems like a hassle, considering that there are changes in between client versions that make certain SQL database tables require different data. Good luck to anyone trying to make it work, however.
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    BFA Free Repack

    All the links are dead again.
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    Nordrassil legion 7.3.5 wow uwow sharing our source and databases

    Not particularly useful when it's missing map/vmap files and quite a bunch of databases.
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    Count To 2.000

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    How do you spend your time when not playing computer games?

    Certain TV shows tend to draw me in, to the point I don't notice how much time has passed.
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    Chores you hate doing?

    Laundry and drying isn't fun, and it takes a while before it gets done.