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    [Quest] Blacken The Skies

    [Location, Faction, Race]Azshara, Horde, Male Tauren Brewmaster [Name, Type] Quest Bug [Problem Description] Upon mounting your wind rider all Glaive Throwers despawn and bombing the command center has no effect. If any Glaive Throwers do remain, bombing them drags you down to earth and results...
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    [Quest] Lightning Strike Assassination

    [Location, Faction, Race] Azshara, Horde, Male Tauren Brewmaster [Name, Type] Quest Progression Bug [Problem Description] When you tell Slink you're ready, the camera when rappelling up the tower goes nuts and upon reaching the top of the tower, Slinky is already preparing to drop and none of...
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    [NEW REPACK] 7.3.5 LEGION WoW Repack - WoW Legion 7.3.5 Repack - Blizzlike & Fun

    Very excited to try this out. Question though: How does one get the client to recognize the realmlist without the blizzard launcher?
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    [Quest] Military Breakthrough

    Azshara - Horde - Tauren Military Breakthrough, Quest Cannot be completed due to a quest item not spawning for pickup. A rocket pickup should appear next to the dead goblin near Warlord Krellian, allowing the player to obtain the SFG quest item for turn in.
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    [Quest] First Degree Mortar

    Azshara - Horde - Tauren First Degree Mortar, Quest Firing the Mortars at the gathered Naga does no damage. The mortars should be doing enough damage to kill multiple Naga at a time.
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    [Quest] Profitability Scouting

    Azshara - Horde - Tauren Profitability Scouting - Quest Issue Approaching the area where the heart is being used should trigger quest parameters for completion. It does not. When you approach the naga lady holding the heart, it should say the objective is complete.
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    [Other] Azshara Rocketway

    Azshara - Horde - Tauren Zone issue (scripting?) The Azshara rocketway does not function. Each tower in Azshara should have a rocket taxi leading to the other towers. Currently they do not.
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    [Loot] Noblegarden Eggs in November

    Brill - Horde - Undead Loot Issue Noblegarden eggs are appearing in the Brill area out-of-season. These items should not appear in November.
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    [Other] Naralex Wailing Caverns bug

    Wailing Caverns Naralex the druid. With all serpent lords dead, asking him to start the event does not begin spawning the mobs for the final boss. The mobs should start spawning once you ask him to begin the event.
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    Everybody can connect to my server except 1 person. Any ideas?

    So I got my server up and running, friends are connecting and having a great time...except one person. For them, they can log on but the server appears offline while the rest of us are having a blast. Any particular reason that should happen? Is it a firewall issue? I know the ports I need...
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    [Quest] Gunk in the trunk

    Azshara, Horde, Tauren Brewmaster Quest: Gunk in the Trunk It does not allow you to inspect the tank per the quest requirement. Right clicking the tank should inspect the tank and spawn the required mob. The mobs that *should* spawn when you inspect the tank seem to spawn on their own regardless...
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    Incorrect model in VIP MoP

    I can confirm this is also happening in Mulgore.
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    add gmevel in Worldserver doesn't work

    Thank you for this! Gonna try it as soon as I get home!
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    I'm very new to this and need some help.

    So I've got my server up and running without a problem but I'm unable to use any GM commands on the GM account I created. On the worldserver console it says that I set the account level to 3, but whenever I logon to that account I'm unable to turn gm on or off. Now I'm not logging onto the GM...
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    Hope you can help out, my license key is already saying invalid after I restarted the server...

    Hope you can help out, my license key is already saying invalid after I restarted the server. Is there a way around this?
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    Hope you can help out, my license key is already saying invalid after I restarted the server...

    Hope you can help out, my license key is already saying invalid after I restarted the server. Is there a way around this?
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    Hope you can help out, my license key is already saying invalid after I restarted the server...

    Hope you can help out, my license key is already saying invalid after I restarted the server. Is there a way around this?