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  1. Glen001

    Cata client crashes when I try to add a PlayerBot to group :(

    Set up my Cata v18 server today and was able to find 2 full clients but they both give exactly the same error message when I try to add a PlayerBot to the group Client PC is running Windows 10 Pro. If it's a client issue...
  2. Glen001

    Time to renew - quick question

    I've been using your MoP (v3, v4 and now v4.1) for the last year and it's time to renew. But it's not 100% clear on the account upgrade page: whether you get the MoP Repack included in the VIP Gold sub, although it does say: I don't want to...
  3. Glen001

    Why did you leave Retail?

    i quit when they finally killed off MultiBoxing :( I used to love 5-boxing PVE content and played Retail until Pandaland and then came back for Classic; until they banned MBing. Love my MoP server and the bots are so good, I've not used the MB software since 4.1 was released. I would love it...
  4. Glen001

    4.1 server regularly 'pausing'

    My server has been fine since 24th may, when I disabled the AH. This morning, I re-enabled the AH and within minutes was experiencing these whole server pauses again and could see the same types of errors scrolling down the server screen. I've had to turn off the AH for good, now, as it makes...
  5. Glen001

    4.1 server regularly 'pausing'

    I thought that maybe it was items on the AH that were causing this issue, so I turned off the AHBOT this afternoon and deleted all AH items and the pausing issue hasn't happend at all this evening.
  6. Glen001

    4.1 server regularly 'pausing'

    I've had this at regular intervals over the last week :( My game will 'pause' - I can move around but my bots have stopped, NPCs have stopped, no feedback from game. I remote into the server and see hundreds of these messages scrolling up the server screen: Atfer a couple of minutes the...
  7. Glen001

    [Other] AHBot auctions are all being deleted on server startup (VIP v4.1)

    I didn't use the v4.0 AH enough to notice if the same thing happened or whether this is a new issue. Had a poke around in the database and found the following: From my worldserver.conf file: My account table - AUCTIONEER account is 648: My characters table - AUCTIONEER character is 4860...
  8. Glen001

    AddOn Playersbot New! - MoP

    Many thanks for updating it to work with 4.1!
  9. Glen001

    Issues in Swamp of Sorrows (VIP V4)

    As you can tell, I'm still levelling my Human Warlock :) Just been through Swamp of Sorrows and really only had 2 issues: Quest 27600 (In With a Bang) - Lil' Crazy Jerry is next to the cannon (83.6, 37.9) but has no options on his interaction to load/fire the cannon - had to GM complete the...
  10. Glen001

    Server issues on startup

    I migrated my V3 server to V4 a couple of weeks ago and have started to notice a problem after restarting the server. In-game, I start to experience big pauses and every time I open the server console window I see a whole load of entries like this... the game will recover after a long pause...
  11. Glen001

    Issues in Searing Gorge (VIP V4)

    Ah, good point - I forgot all about the aggressive setting - thanks!
  12. Glen001

    Issues in Searing Gorge (VIP V4)

    Just been through Searing Gorge as a Human Warlock and hit a few issues: - had a bot with me and he kept attacking (and dying instantly) to the (yellow) L85 guards around Iron Summit (39, 68), then would res, return and repeat the process - the bots also attack the (yellow) Slave Workers...
  13. Glen001

    [3.3.5 & 4.3.4 & 5.4.8+) Beastmaster NPC

    Checking it out
  14. Glen001

    Emucoach Announcement | MoP Premium 4 Release Date | Cataclysm VIP 17 Release Date | Happy New Years!

    Excellent news on the AH Bot front :) Any chance of "/follow" being (optionally) enabled in BGs?
  15. Glen001

    AddOn Playersbot New! - MoP

    Is there a way to add a specific class? ie. not just add dps but add mage or add hunter etc?
  16. Glen001

    AddOn Playersbot New! - MoP

    Gonna try this out