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  1. W

    New to the scene? This guide is for you! - UWow-Trinity core repack for Legion 7.3.5 (Windows 10)

    Any recomendations on how to get more than two primary trade skills functioning for Legion? I tried changing the worldserver.conf, setting MaxTradeSkill=10 but it hasn't worked.
  2. W

    [NEW REPACK] 7.3.5 LEGION WoW Repack - WoW Legion 7.3.5 Repack - Blizzlike & Fun

    Everything seems to be up and running! Did have to download those dll files and change the Data location but I'm very pleased so far! One question tho, when I'm in the worldserver.conf there is an option to change the MaxPrimaryTradeSkill. I changed it to 10, but I can still only pick up 2...