Search results

  1. roifok

    Mists of Pandaria 5.4.7 Repack npcbot(BAD)

  2. roifok

    PQR MoP 5.4.8 (Best bot rotation)

    Thank you for the share !
  3. roifok

    Errors when starting world server

    Yeah thats weird it shows Windows 8 Professionnal ! Are you running the server inside a virtual machine or directly on your computer ?
  4. roifok

    Errors when starting world server

    Hey, Log is saying Exception code: E06D7363 Is your RAM going to zero when you load worldserver.exe ? Physical Memory: 6149880 KB (Available: 338700 KB) Not sure 338Mb is enough Same for storage, do you have some free space ? Do you have better version than Windows 8 you can test ? 😅 Maybe...
  5. roifok

    [Solved] Increase bot number in battleground

    Thank you for answer Likon !
  6. roifok

    [Solved] Increase bot number in battleground

    Hello, I know this has been already answered but i cant find the topic anymore.. so sorry for the dumb question again. Im looking to increase number of bots in battleground, for example in Arathi, instead of having 5 horde vs 5x alliance, is it possible to increase to 10 v 10 ? Also, is it...
  7. roifok

    Broken my game now it won't launch "Solved"

    Order by GUID and the ID is just on the right so you can easily check
  8. roifok

    Broken my game now it won't launch "Solved"

    I guess auth.log server.log and DBerrors.log should help. Did you try to delete the spawned NPC Boss directly from the database ? With HeidiSQL connect to database : / root - ascent and then go in mop_world > creature. From there you can order by descending order GUID and find the...
  9. roifok

    Honorbuddy for Mists of Pandaria!

    Nice work, cant wait to test this awesome bot with old profiles
  10. roifok

    Need help with installing the Server

    When you launch your auth server exe, what is your server IP ? ?
  11. roifok

    Need help with installing the Server

    Nice to see you resolved it :) I did have same issue with my Windows Server 2022 firewall, even disabled it still continue to block some ports until you create rules for each ports...
  12. roifok

    Need help with installing the Server

    Hey Marius, seems the port is already used. Do you have another worldserver launched ? I guess you are on personnal desktop computer, did you try a reboot ?
  13. roifok

    [Release] Fusion Cms Themes And Modules Free!

    Thank you for the share !
  14. roifok

    Hello ExO, still having invalid license key too. When you got time :) Thanks in advance

    Hello ExO, still having invalid license key too. When you got time :) Thanks in advance