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  1. toffeeuk21

    wrong logger error?

    Recently for about a week I uninstalled Cata-VIP repack as I needed space on my pc because I was trying to install my own server from Azerothcore website. For about a week learning many programs I've never used before ie Visual Studio, Cmaker, Github and many others I just could not figure out...
  2. toffeeuk21

    What is the Levelling adjustment NPC mean't to do?

    I'm still having no luck getting that Npc to work didn't find anything in that folder to use as a fix. I just installed a fresh install of the repack and exe so I'm starting from scratch I wanted to start fresh anyways as I was having couple other issues. Is the data from DB still there even...
  3. toffeeuk21

    What is the Levelling adjustment NPC mean't to do?

    I just did a fresh install of the repack which I thought would work off the bat. I most likely installed it wrong :D
  4. toffeeuk21

    What is the Levelling adjustment NPC mean't to do?

    didn't do anything. but its no big deal I'm just curious what is meant to do.
  5. toffeeuk21

    What is the Levelling adjustment NPC mean't to do?

    - Introduced a Leveling NPC that you can add into the game. -- Added level npc - can be added ingame by adding ".npc add 224276". I read in the post just wondering what is meant to be here. I'm guessing its to tele port around to dungeon/raids etc but mines all blank.
  6. toffeeuk21

    What is the Levelling adjustment NPC mean't to do? was in the post at the bottom about this being added,
  7. toffeeuk21

    What is the Levelling adjustment NPC mean't to do?

    Mop v3 - 5.4.8. I have spawn in a level Adjustment Npc but it shows nothing just wonder what is meant to be here.
  8. toffeeuk21

    Hey do you still use PQR for Mop v2. did you find the game crashes ~30mins ? I'm trying to work...

    Hey do you still use PQR for Mop v2. did you find the game crashes ~30mins ? I'm trying to work out what making me crash all I know if when I don't use Pqr game runs fine. I have posted a link of my logs in the Mop premium forum if you don't mind having a look.
  9. toffeeuk21

    Sorry to bother you for some odd reason my Mop Licence has stop working any idea how to fix...

    Sorry to bother you for some odd reason my Mop Licence has stop working any idea how to fix this. trying to paste in the code into worldserver says invalid.
  10. toffeeuk21

    WoW Bot Rotation DPS, BC, WOTLK,MOP,WOD,LEGION. (no Cata, Vanilla and SL)

    You put out some great stuff seeing your stuff all over the forum awesome! keeps me busy trying out on my server. took me a little while to get this to work due to my wtf config was not allowing me to go into window mode and got black screen, managed to fix it and working great.
  11. toffeeuk21

    [5.4.x/5.4.8 Hack] WoW Admin Panel -- MOP

    Interesting have to try this out.
  12. toffeeuk21

    Broken my game now it won't launch "Solved"

    Thanks Roifok for your help I've managed to fix it now. turned out I had another folder of the repack in my download I think was conflicting with the data. I've removed one and now it's back working. sorry for the mix up :P
  13. toffeeuk21

    Broken my game now it won't launch "Solved"

    yea I'm having no luck finding it. sorry I feel since I deleted everything and installed a fresh copy that data is not there now but I am still unable to fix the launch. I've messed around with Heidi before not a complete noob to this but maybe I'm missing something,
  14. toffeeuk21

    Broken my game now it won't launch "Solved"

    ok I try that. code is 69473 for the boss how do I know thats the one I spawned.
  15. toffeeuk21

    Broken my game now it won't launch "Solved"

    not sure which one you need
  16. toffeeuk21

    Broken my game now it won't launch "Solved"

    I was messing around with MOP VIP 2.0 and added a boss in Orgrimmar my game crashed and I've not been able to get it back working. I have gone as far to delete everything and reinstall a fresh install and deleted my cache in my Wow client folder yet I am still unable to launch my game. When I...