Hello, sorry for my delayed reply being 10 days late. In regards to PQR, I did get the TBC Offsets from another website. Unfortunately, recoding is something I know nothing about.
I will need help trying to figure out Ovale or Thunderstorm won't work properly on TBC. I have a file that can...
This is quite possibly the only way you're going to get automated rotation on TBC. Gnomesequencer only works on Blizzard's New TBC Client which uses Shadowlands API as well and I can't figure out how to get PQR to work on 2.4.3 or 1.12.1.
Downloaded Ovale Spell Priority and waiting on a TBC...
I'm running into this issue as well. Have asked in Discord for help, but got no response. I can run the MySQL and Apache files just fine, but I can't run authserver or worldserver at all. I even tried installing the files recommended in the thread, but it's a dead end.
UPDATE: So the weird...
Been playing with different repacks lately, but Mists of Pandaria was the expansion I played the most back in the day. Looking forward to trying this out.