Search results

  1. Nalo

    Dark_Spear_WoW 3.3.5a

    Bump Still looking for some help.. Hit me up on discord if you're interested. Nalo#4980
  2. Nalo

    Zygór Classic, Retail, Private servers

    Thank you for your time and effort sir!
  3. Nalo

    [Free] Quality FusionCMS Theme - Armageddon - Custom Coded Design

    Always liked this design , miss the proper cata days <3
  4. Nalo

    Dark_Spear_WoW 3.3.5a

    Thank you for the message!
  5. Nalo

    Dark_Spear_WoW 3.3.5a

    Thanks bud! I really appreciate the kind words!
  6. Nalo

    Dark_Spear_WoW 3.3.5a

    Thank you for the reply bud! we'll work as hard as we can to get it out as soon as possible!
  7. Nalo

    Dark_Spear_WoW 3.3.5a

    Good day Emu_coachians. Today I'd like to introduce a personal project I've been working on. Dark_Spear_WoW is a personal passion project. We aim to offer a fun and interactive lore driven story. We aim to add some fun features to the server. The server is based on a 3.3.5a Core and using...
  8. Nalo

    GMIsland Theme Manager
