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  1. E

    Honorbuddy for Mists of Pandaria!

    So glad you succeeded with this!!!! I'm happy for you buddy!
  2. E

    [Quest] Waiting to Exanguinate - ID 27045 - Silverpine Forest

    Yes. You can pick it up from Sylvanas in that location and also North of that location at the camp with Garrosh.
  3. E

    [Release]Honorbuddy 4.3.4, Pangaea lvl 1-85 (Grind) AFK100%

    This is awesome! Thank you for your hard work!
  4. E

    Addon Playerbots

    Super excited to try this!
  5. E

    [Quest] Waiting to Exanguinate - ID 27045 - Silverpine Forest

    Also, Silverpine Forest, horde, undead, male Rise, Forsaken Quest cannot be completed because the forsaken that you are supposed to raise from the dead are already alive. I think you are supposed to kill the humans and with an item revive them or the already dead forsaken in the area
  6. E

    [Quest] Waiting to Exanguinate - ID 27045 - Silverpine Forest

    Location, faction, gender, race: Silverpine Forest, horde, male, undead [Name, Type] Waiting to Exsanguinate, quest [Problem Description] Quest cannot be completed. Script to allow character to hide is not usable, so event will not trigger. [How it should work] Allow character to hide so that...