Search results

  1. M

    [NEW REPACK] 3.3.5 Wrath of the Lich King TrinityCore - v0.1 - [Official Repack]

    Thanks for the repack. I can't wait to try it out!
  2. M

    [NEW REPACK] 7.3.5 LEGION WoW Repack - WoW Legion 7.3.5 Repack - Blizzlike & Fun

    Thank you for the repack!!!! Can't wait to try it.
  3. M

    Аrе Wоrld оf Wаrсrаft Рrіvаtе Ѕеrvеrs Lеgаl?

    Any private MMO server is basically illegal due to the fact that they are hacked/stolen server files.
  4. M

    Which patch do you prefer?

    I started with Legion 7.3.5, haven't gone back in time to try WoTLK, but I hear it was good.
  5. M

    When did you start playing WoW?

    I played it for the first time about 12 or 13 years ago, hated it, so I wasted $30 and threw it away in a fit. I recently started playing it from Legion up and I like it better now.
  6. M

    How many more years

    Considering recent events for Blizzard.... maybe another year or two at most for official. Private Servers will have a boom as official drowns.
  7. M

    Your favorite race / class?

    Blood Elves & Pandarians Hunters & Warlocks
  8. M

    Another Newb?

    Total newb to setting up WoW servers. I look forward to working with the files and community.
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    Count To 2.000

  10. M

    Trinity AdminPanel | 4.3.4

    Is there a version of this for Legion 7.3.5?