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  1. Eyenss

    Emucoach Cata simple quest editor

    Quick video walkthrough for creating a collection quest.
  2. Eyenss

    Emucoach Cata simple quest editor

    Version 1.8 Local host only. If you want to be able to access it from lan or outside lan adjust the first bit of code for lan or remove it outside lan • Fixed Dranaei missing from calculator • Delete quest added • Added Creature Loot and Game Object Loot / Conditions Editor - This...
  3. Eyenss

    Emucoach Cata simple quest editor

    Just a simple php quest editor that puts all relevant quest fields in one place. Plan on updating the fields to be more descriptive instead of the field names this weekend or next. Also planning to add a method to edit/make quest loot drops same time frame. As it stands you can make about any...