Search results

  1. Bagatyr

    Trinity AdminPanel | 4.3.4

    Yes search for Marsadmin
  2. Bagatyr

    Deathguard Protector stuck in fighting animaton

    Hi in Vip Gold Cata 17.1 in undead starting zone are the Deathguard Protectors stuck in their figting animation and also there are no undead playerbots in the Zone
  3. Bagatyr

    Training bag is allive

    in the Training Grounds of the pandaren (Monk class) the training bag is moving and attacking my bots and kill them and me with one hit.
  4. Bagatyr

    Mop Vip quest: The Suffering of Shen-zin Su broken ballon path

    Hi The ballon flys direct to the ocean. When u arrive the end of the map the Ballon dissapear and u die.
  5. Bagatyr

    Addon for Cataclysm Bots (German)

  6. Bagatyr

    Flying animation of playerbots

    The following animation on flying mounts of the playerbots needs a rework. atm it looks like they had problems to stay in the air then fall down, port to ur location and fall again down and back again.
  7. Bagatyr

    AddOn Playersbot New! - MoP

    hahah this is an old version of spp that is no longer supported by the developers
  8. Bagatyr

    V16 Darkshore quest (in defense of Darkshore)

    In the quest in defense of Darkshore the player gets thrown out the Hyppograph before he reache the Grizzeld Thistel Bear to complete the quest
  9. Bagatyr

    Count To 2.000

    no im not xD
  10. Bagatyr

    Count To 2.000

  11. Bagatyr

    [Other] englich zu deutsch

    geile Sache lass dich nicht von dem affen provozieren ich finde es schön das sich hier leute engagieren.
  12. Bagatyr

    Count To 2.000

  13. Bagatyr

    Count To 2.000

  14. Bagatyr

    Count To 2.000

  15. Bagatyr

    Which patch do you prefer?

    ahhhh I dream about 7.3.5 with 2000 playerbots to make pvp and pve
  16. Bagatyr

    Wow Regeneration for CATA/MOP build (15595-18414)

    so i connected to the database via navicat, where i find the table for the locales?
  17. Bagatyr

    Wow Regeneration for CATA/MOP build (15595-18414)

    ohh man i dont know how to do that i changed it in the worldconfig but noch change