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  1. voralyx

    BFA Free Repack

    Hi whunter, could you share the repack again? the link is dead.
  2. voralyx

    [5.48 UWOW] Hxsd Repack Released (repair 99.99%)

    Has anyone tested this version? How's the raids/dungeons? Can you go raid with NPCbots?
  3. voralyx

    [5.48 UWOW] Hxsd Repack Released (repair 99.99%)

    Japanese?? Where'd that come from????
  4. voralyx

    Shadowlands Releases

    Nope. At first I was very excited about their Free repack because it said "includes all contents up to April-2021" and immediately got to work to set it up. I've tested their FREE Shadowcore repack, took me nearly 12 hours of hard work to set it up (if you don't know how to compile a Core and...
  5. voralyx

    BFA 8.3.7 Black Empire Servers Free Repack without limits

    Link is dead. Can you repost a new download link please? Also, no need for dramas. Just download and test it people.
  6. voralyx

    R> file for the Client 9.0.5 v38134 (Shadowcore v9.0.5 38134) [Solved]

    Problem Solved! I just created my own haha
  7. voralyx

    R> file for the Client 9.0.5 v38134 (Shadowcore v9.0.5 38134) [Solved]

    Hi everyone, Could someone be able to kindly share with me the "" file for the Client 9.0.5 v38134 ? Or alternatively a non-modified link to full Client 9.0.5 v38134 ? I need to extract the mmaps, vmaps etc for the Shadowcore 9.0.5 Repack.... Thanks....
  8. voralyx

    [NEW REPACK] 7.3.5 LEGION WoW Repack - WoW Legion 7.3.5 Repack - Blizzlike & Fun

    Hi ExO, can I ask you a couple of question about this release? If you could help me I'd greatly appreciate it! - How do I use Group Finder as a solo offline player? Doesn't let me join by myself, its looking for other players... - Ignore raid conditions settings are not working... either raids...
  9. voralyx

    [NEW REPACK] 7.3.5 LEGION WoW Repack - WoW Legion 7.3.5 Repack - Blizzlike & Fun

    Heya Exo, thanks for the repack first of all. Can you please teach me how to properly create my own account? This command : .account create <username> <pass> only creates an entry in the "accounts" table, and I cannot log in - "We couldn't log you in with what you just entered". This is...
  10. voralyx

    Why did you leave Retail?

    Can't really say much about this because I didn't play for that long, back in 2011ish a classmate of mine invited to join him in the latest expansion released so I tried for like 2 months... I never got to really understand well the hotkey systems and 'proc's and rotations... and didn't help...
  11. voralyx

    Mist of Pandaria REPACK, 5.4.8 News [27-07-2018]

    This is great news! Looking really forward to this too.
  12. voralyx

    [NEW REPACK] 7.3.5 LEGION WoW Repack - WoW Legion 7.3.5 Repack - Blizzlike & Fun

    Amazing. I can't wait to try it! Thanks a lot! Been trying some other cores but I heard many good things about this one.
  13. voralyx


    Currently in creature_template table , the boss's entry value is same as lootid, as following: entry NAME faction npcflag lootid flags_extra 68476 Horridon 14 0 68476 1 69204 Spawn of Horridon 35 0 0 0 368476 Horridon (4) 14 0 368476 1 768476 Horridon (7) 14 0 768476 1 Where else is...
  14. voralyx

    Noob question, what is Minimal Client?

    Hi all the experts out there, If you could kindly shed some light of knowledge I'd be so grateful. It's a very noob question but I'm confused how this Minimal client works. So my understanding is: -Minimal clients includes all game's essential executables + basic character starting zone maps...
  15. voralyx


    Hey Yukki, thanks for finding this information. Appreciated! That said, I still don't have a clear idea why or how this setting can be used. The reason why I asked this is because, I did an experiment on a repack where the Throne of Light RAID, none of the mobs would be dropping any loot at all...
  16. voralyx

    Trying to get member status, whats your computer specs?

    AMD Ryzen 7-2700X GTX-1080Ti Gigabyte 470X Gaming5 2x2GB Ram M.2 NVME SSD 128GB for OS Been 3 years since I built this desktop but I am only feeling now how powerful these Ryzens are when I run these repacks. Amazing multicore performance that doesnt break a sweat even with several hundred...
  17. voralyx


    Great, sounds promising but the link is no longer valid... File no longer exists. Can anyone kindly share this repack again? Thanks in advance!
  18. voralyx

    Do you enjoy cooking?

    Hate it when want to play something. Quite enjoyable when in the mood for cooking.
  19. voralyx

    how many time do you play at day ?

    Had a week off. Then started searching for a good Server repacks. ........ . . A week is gone. Total Playtime : less than 5 hours. :cry:
  20. voralyx

    Chores you hate doing?

    Watering huge amount of plants that parents have. Takes 40-60mins