Search results

  1. Sandcrab

    [NEW REPACK] 7.3.5 LEGION WoW Repack - WoW Legion 7.3.5 Repack - Blizzlike & Fun

    Just a heads up, there are many things about this repack that DON'T work, including the WoD Garrison missions, many Battle pets missing, and numerous quests that are not available or completeable. Most quests, dungeons, and activities work, but just be aware this is not a fine-tuned product...
  2. Sandcrab

    Want to lerarn how to add missing Battle Pets to Server

    How about starting with a WOW Database editor that worked with the 5.4.8 and/or 7.5.5 databases? Battle pets are just NPC with special abilities, right? I'm not afraid to mess around. I know nothing about scripting or SQL databases but am willing to learn. Is there a tutorial or YouTube...
  3. Sandcrab

    Want to lerarn how to add missing Battle Pets to Server

    Both versions I'm using are Trinity core, or Trinity core based.
  4. Sandcrab

    Want to lerarn how to add missing Battle Pets to Server

    I'm a collector and a completionist, so the missing battle pets in the MOP and Legion servers I run are driving me crazy. The 3D models are in the game and can be called up in the pet journals but the pets are either missing completely from the various zones, are in the zones but are not...
  5. Sandcrab

    A General Help Guide

    Two things: 1) Can't log into the server. I created an account as instructed in the Worldserver.exe but it still asks me to log in with a account and password. 2) Worldserver.exe is throwing errors galore: HELP!!!
  6. Sandcrab

    Repack Legion 7.3.5 Actualizado 2021 Marzo

    How often does this get updated with fixes?
  7. Sandcrab

    Repack Legion 7.3.5 Actualizado 2021 Marzo

    Looking forward to testing this out.