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  1. H

    Cataclysm Npc's very powerful

    [Location, Faction, Race] Cataclysm normal dungeons and most Cataclysm locations [Name, Type] [Problem Description] In most areas except Hyjal, NPCs are so strong that it is difficult to proceed with quests. Even in normal dungeons, the npc's level is fixed at 85, and a normal attack deals...
  2. H

    V15 NPCs can be seen only by GMs

    [Location, Faction, Race] Uldum, draenei Alliance (and all players) [Name, Type] Brann Bronzebeard [Problem Description] NPCs can be seen only by GMs , phase check same, not smartAI, flag_extra is 0, can see GM on, can't see GM off [How it should work] All players must be able to see their npc.
  3. H

    [SUGGESTION] MoP bot system is very wonderful !

    Siege mode is a little problematic in patterns that require movement, but it is easy to use and resembles a real player. And I'm very happy that it works on BG. Could you please apply these bot systems to the next Cata repack update?
  4. H

    V15 Quest bug : Resonating Blow

    [Location, Faction, Race] Deepholm , horde. troll [Name, Type] Resonating Blow ( [Problem Description] Cannot climb the stone stairs that are summoned after using the Mallet. Character and viewpoint do not match. [How it should work] should...
  5. H

    [5.4.x/5.4.8 Hack] WoW Admin Panel -- MOP

    Thank you for sharing