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  1. AzisDaTuga

    [NEW REPACK] 7.3.5 LEGION WoW Repack - WoW Legion 7.3.5 Repack - Blizzlike & Fun

    Thanks for this Legion repack!! Very Nice work :)
  2. AzisDaTuga

    CLOSED 5.4.8 Blizzlike Mists of Pandaria - v1.7 - [EmuCoach's Official Repack]

    Thanks you for your sharing and your hard working in this piece of art!
  3. AzisDaTuga

    What helps you relax?

    Coding in PHP and C#, I know, two different languages, but I love both of them for different purposes, I do Apps for Phones, and I use a PHP Backend for them :D
  4. AzisDaTuga

    Greetings and Salutations

    I arrived later but I'm here to have some fun with this community :sneaky:
  5. AzisDaTuga

    How do you spend your time when not playing computer games?

    Listening to music and watching streams on my tv.
  6. AzisDaTuga


    Hello and welcome to the community Vitrex ;)
  7. AzisDaTuga

    Hello there

    Greeting, I'm Azis, and Emulation of WOW really fascinates me as well :D
  8. AzisDaTuga

    Mounts SL/BFA/LEGION/WOD/MOP/ For CATA 4.3.4 (15595) => 111 models

    This is a work of art, thank you m8
  9. AzisDaTuga

    Wrobot 2.4 3 - 3.3.5a - legion 7.x CRACKED/NULLED, Wrobot HACK

    Thanks for sharing, I'm going to check if it works :)
  10. AzisDaTuga

    Count To 2.000

  11. AzisDaTuga

    Repack Legion 7.3.5 Actualizado 2021 Marzo

    Thanks for sharing that repack with us :D