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  1. Elvenlover

    Latest HD + NPC Models Patch 100% complete for Cataclysm 4.3.4 VIP GOLD ONLY

    Meaby i did something wrong but your provided patched wow.exe is telling me, it is unable to stream some sort of files. I should check my internet connection? What is that about? I'm using the german cata client, is it related to that?
  2. Elvenlover

    Stuck on "Connected" - both with my server and my friend's server

    Are you running your server on your own computer, or do you have a remote server for that? I'm not sure, if that will fix your problem, but you can try to bind the server ip in the realm database. For that, connect to your mysql database using HeidiSQL (or any other SQL DB Editor you might...
  3. Elvenlover

    [Trinity 3.3.5a] Cannot create custom Loot

    Hello there, so me and my brother are working on a big funserver project and we're currently running into an annoying issue. We can't create any custom loot or chests in general. I created a new gameobject, gave it a nice display id of an chest, but you can't open the chest and loot it. Yes, i...
  4. Elvenlover

    Time Zone For Server

    You can change the "RealmZone" in your worldserver.conf, but i'm not sure, if that changes the server time to be honest.
  5. Elvenlover

    Wow Server on Internal IP can log in but can't join Realm?

    Glad that this worked for you. Can't help on your auto-change thing tho. BTW changing MaxPingTime shouldn't really affect the problem. It was just something, that i remember from some years ago. From my understanding it just alters the time for the server to ping the mysql connection, to keep...
  6. Elvenlover

    Wow Server on Internal IP can log in but can't join Realm?

    Don't forget to change the server ip in your mysql database. In the auth table under "realmlist" you have to change "address" to the ip, the server is running on. Not sure if you have to change "localAdress" aswell, though, but i don't think so. Also reading that some people have this issue...
  7. Elvenlover

    Wow Server on Internal IP can log in but can't join Realm?

    Hmm. The thing is, i remember having this issue, but it's quite a while ago and i can't really remember how i actually fixed that. Another thing you could try is, start the authserver and then worldserver, let it start and if login fails, shutdown the authserver only, leave the worldserver...
  8. Elvenlover

    Wow Server on Internal IP can log in but can't join Realm?

    So, i know the main problem in this topic is a bit "older", but if you want to host a server for your homemates over LAN, i can highly recommend "Hamachi". As far as i am aware, hamachi should work without internet connection, but it connects every PC in LAN range. Bind the server to the hamachi...
  9. Elvenlover

    Editing login screen from Classic for Cataclysm 4.3.4 (15595)

    Download working now, but it seems like all files are the MOP background. Tried to use TBC background, but it's all MOP. :/
  10. Elvenlover

    Character and NPC Models HD For Cataclysm 4.3.4 (15595) VIP GOLD

    Great Job. Player Models looking and working very good. The Human NPC Faces do look a bit spooky, but as it's still a work in progress i'm sure it will become better over time. Anyway, thank you very much for sharing this with us!
  11. Elvenlover

    Character and NPC Models HD For Cataclysm 4.3.4 (15595) VIP GOLD

    Thank you very much for sharing. Downloaded it and the archive is locked with a password (not the key to download it). Mind sharing that aswell?
  12. Elvenlover

    Error 0xc0150002 on Authserver launch

    Hey there. Not sure, if you're still looking for a solution for that problem, but i got the same error with another repack i downloaded somewhere else. Well, it turned out, that i was missing the "OpenSSL" application on my computer. First, the authserver complained about not finding an ssl...
  13. Elvenlover

    Editing login screen from Classic for Cataclysm 4.3.4 (15595)

    Hey, somehow the link seems to be broken for me. Can you reupload it, please?
  14. Elvenlover

    Model HD Character + NPC and more For Cata 4.3.4 (15595) Coming soon.

    Nice. Looking for something like this quite a while. Wonder, why is it that hard to make it in Cata, as wotlk got all new models and even the legion mounts as patches available. Anyway, looking forward to this. Thanks in advance.
  15. Elvenlover

    [NEW REPACK] 3.3.5 Wrath of the Lich King TrinityCore - v0.1 - [Official Repack]

    Thank you very much for this repack. Will give it a try.