Search results

  1. syntaxx

    AddOn Playersbot New! - MoP

  2. syntaxx

    [Quest] A Visit with Lorewalker Cho

    Had a user on BV's server ran into the same bug. Before we suggest quest completing it is there anything you need?
  3. syntaxx

    Emucoach 5.4.8 Vip Version | Try before you buy |

    Gotta say BV is one of the hardest working server admins ever, they provide a great service to the community!
  4. syntaxx

    [Other] Door remains locked in Valley of Kings

    [Location, Faction, Race] :: Loch Modan :: Valley of Kings, Horde, Pandian, Male [Name, Type] :: Stonewrought Pass Gate [Problem Description] :: Gate was removed in cata patch 4.0.3, gate remains in this release [How it should work] :: Remove the gates and it'll be accurate to 4.0.3...
  5. syntaxx

    [Quest] The Spirits of Golakka Hot Springs - ID 24706 - Un'Goro Crater

    [Location, Faction, Race] :: Un'Goro Crater:Golakka Hot Springs, Horde, Pandian, Male [Name, Type] :: The Spirits of Golakka Hot Springs [Problem Description] :: You can take the quest from Maximillian, he does not follow you as you fight the spirits around the lake. [How it should work] :: He...
  6. syntaxx

    [Quest] [Quest] The Fossil-Finder 3000 - ID 24708 - Un'Goro Crater

    [Location, Faction, Race] :: Un'Goro Crater:Golakka Hot Springs, Horde, Pandian, Male [Name, Type] :: The Fossil-Finder 3000 [Problem Description] :: When using the finder it isn't pointing to where the fossil is [How it should work] :: Using the finder should point to where the fossil is in...
  7. syntaxx

    [Quest] [Quest] Eyes on the Prizes - ID 29517 - Darkmoon Faire

    Location, Faction, Gender, Race :: Darkmoone Faire, Horde, Male, Pandarian Name, Type :: Eyes on the Prizes, Quest Problem Statement :: Upon turning this quest in the Darkmoon Craftsman Kit does not get removed from your inventory How it should work :: After turning in the quest the Craftsman...
  8. syntaxx

    [Quest] [Quest] Clamlette Suprise - ID 13825 - Gadgetzan

    Location, Faction, Gender, Race :: Gadgetzan, Horde, Male, Pandarian Name, Type :: Clamlette Suprise, Quest Problem Statement :: Before completing the quest the NPC's question mark is active like the quest is done. After turning the quest in the question ark is still active as yellow but when...
  9. syntaxx

    [Quest] Thunderdome: Grudge Match, Unable to complete quest

    Location, Faction, Gender, Race :: Gadgetzan, Horde, Male, Pandarian Name, Type :: Thunderdome: Grudge Match, Quest Problem Statement :: During this quest Kelsey Steelspark drops to half health and summons a mech. You may not attack Kelsey during this time, and after this mech is defeated the...
  10. syntaxx

    Questioning life on a daily basis

    Questioning life on a daily basis
  11. syntaxx

    [Quest] Pirates Accuracy Increasing Quest, not working correctly

    I have a 3 for 1, I'm putting all on the same ticket because I think they are chained from my first interaction. Location, Faction, Gender, Race :: Thousand Needles, Horde, Male, Pandarian Name, Type :: Pirates are Pirate Accuracy Increasing, Quest Problem Statement :: When starting this quest...
  12. syntaxx

    Count To 2.000
