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  1. CraigShaw

    (2021/2022 UPDATED) Mists of Pandaria Blizzlike Repack (v.1) | Emucoach Christmas/New Year Edition

    This looks cool. Can't seem to find info. What are the VIP version numbers of Cataclysm and MoP?
  2. CraigShaw

    Count To 2.000

    610 BUT.... Just realised the title of the post says "2.000" - doesn't that mean we've already reached it? "." means decimal places... So we're really counting to 2....
  3. CraigShaw

    Which class/race are you playing?

    I love worgen, but my son likes horde so I ended up playing a Tauren Druid. He plays a Troll Druid.
  4. CraigShaw

    When did you start playing WoW?

    About maybe four or five months ago.... :-D
  5. CraigShaw

    Count To 2.000

    It never ends... 461
  6. CraigShaw

    Count To 2.000

    [( 1x2^2 + 0x2^1 + 0x2^0 )_2 x10^2] + [( 1x2^1 + 0x2^0)_2 x10^1] + [( 1x2^1 + 0x2^0)_2 x10^0]
  7. CraigShaw

    Count To 2.000

    Klingon? loSvatlh wa'maH Hut!
  8. CraigShaw

    Count To 2.000

    I'm out of fun interpretations, so.... 415
  9. CraigShaw

    Count To 2.000

    Abacus? Time to up the stakes (probably wrong, but hey...): movl $399, -4(%rbp) movl -4(%rbp), %eax addl $1,%eax movl %eax, -4(%rbp)
  10. CraigShaw

    Count To 2.000

    Oooo... Synwulfe and Blackvision got a number in as I was posting. Corrected: 384
  11. CraigShaw

    Count To 2.000

    Oooo. Your bits a bit off :p I see your bits and raise you some hex: 17C
  12. CraigShaw

    Count To 2.000

    Considering there's so much confusion, let's throw in some more ?: CCCLXXV
  13. CraigShaw

    Count To 2.000

    364 got counted twice, so.... 368
  14. CraigShaw

    Emucoach Cataclysm Repack - NEW VERSION! (V13)

    Do you play over a local LAN? If so, I'd love to know how. I've been struggling to get clients to connected to the worldserver. Keeps getting stuck on a realm list loop (all settings correct, ports open, DB adjusted, even tried completely disabling both PC and router firewall as well as using...
  15. CraigShaw

    [CMaNGOS] 2.4.3 Friendly Repack

    Thanks, cool.
  16. CraigShaw

    Wow Server on Internal IP can log in but can't join Realm?

    Still have no idea what is causing this. So far, these are the repacks I've tried to get a LAN working with: * Emucoach Cata Free * Emucoach Cata VIP * Emucoach Legion * Emucoach MoP * Emucoach WoTLC * Light Hope's Vanilla * Dev Apex Team MoP I've scoured the internet looking for a solution...
  17. CraigShaw

    [Solved] VIP 4.3.4 worldserver.conf broken?

    For anyone following this post, I found the error. I run through Linux and it was caused by the runtime interpretation of WINE 6.4. Dropped down to WINE 6.0 and problem is gone.
  18. CraigShaw

    Vanilla Repack - Light's Hope Based

    Looks cool.
  19. CraigShaw

    Hot to pull specific files from UWOW's ULancher

    Not sure if this will be useful to anyone, but it may be similar to other launchers as well (but locations will obviously be different even if the process is similar). I wanted to pull just the exes from the UWOW Legion client, but this would also be useful for anyone wanting to replace a...
  20. CraigShaw

    [NEW REPACK] 7.3.5 LEGION WoW Repack - WoW Legion 7.3.5 Repack - Blizzlike & Fun

    Can anyone share the Wow.exe from their client? I've downloaded the repack and have a client but it does not allow logging into the repack server. I've set the portal to and also just "localhost". I had this problem with Warlords and it needed an exe patched to the specific server. I'm...