I am also having the same problem, but the worldserver is crashing after trying to re-register the new server. Were you able to find a resolution?
I got new keys for Cata and MoP. I have the Release folder (with the maps, db, etc in the release folder) and the _Server folder . Adding the...
Running the Legion build posted here (by Uwow and Emucoach) - having a problem where the worldserver.exe is crashing (just closing out). The game plays, I am able to login and everything runs, however at some point within 24 hours of me starting the worldserver it will close and event viewer...
I am running this on a VM and the worldserver keeps crashing. event viewer shows error id: 1000.(the worldserver.exe stays "up" approx 24 hours)
I just rebuilt the VM and reinstalled the files hoping to resolve this issue, but it is still occurring. don't have this issue with any other of my WoW...
anyone else having an issue where the worldserver.exe just closes? it closes when the it is "idle, or I am not logged in. event viewer shows:
This is on a Windows 10 Hyper-V VM, with 4 cores and 16GB of ram