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  1. tinblue

    repack thorignir legion

    Draenei starting zone quests broken. Not great first impression.
  2. tinblue


    I have read this 5 times and still doesn't make any sense.
  3. tinblue

    NPCBots (How To) - EmuCoach Repack 4.3.4

    I agree this being ported would be amazing. I have discussed this with @ExO on Discord and he is going to look into it.
  4. tinblue

    TrinityCore NPCBots Repack (Single Player Repack)

    I found your repack on ownedcore. I just want to thank you again for a great pack. I love it. I hope you will keep working on it and releasing updates over time!
  5. tinblue

    v13 Playerbots

    I think a lot of people in this thread are confusing playerbots with npcbots. I think the original OP started the conversation talking about playerbots. And yes, they are pretty useless. Playerbots cannot act like bots and join instances etc.. They are just there to wander around looking pretty.
  6. tinblue

    NPCBots (How To) - EmuCoach Repack 4.3.4

    Thanks for this info. Do you know what field / id / table designates the bots Race and look etc so that I can customise their looks?
  7. tinblue

    Changelog (V13.1) - VIP Cataclysm (Old release)

    I'm so impressed with this repack and incredibly happy to support it's future development. Thank you so much. I'm looking forward to v14 and beyond!
  8. tinblue

    Achievement Residue in VIP Database

    This is only a small little thing but I noticed there were Achievement records lurking in the default VIP database for what must be old characters used for testing? But when creating a new character they are inheriting the old guid and therefore inheriting the old achievements. This also has the...
  9. tinblue

    V11 Warlock Bugs

    I can confirm that despite having learnt control pet from the Warlock trainer it doesn't show in my passive skills despite it seemingly working fine. I think this is a bug that needs looking at.
  10. tinblue

    NPCBots (How To) - EmuCoach Repack 4.3.4

    I have figured out how to equip the NPC Bot's but it's a shame it appears that items aren't visible when the NPC Bot equips the item. (At least in terms of Clothing / Armor). Is there any way this can be improved/fixed? Is it a bug or just a limitation of the bot engine? I have also noticed...