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  1. Z

    (2021/2022 UPDATED) Mists of Pandaria Blizzlike Repack (v.1) | Emucoach Christmas/New Year Edition

    I hear that the Emucoach - better at MOP. I should try this repack
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    Classic WoW against Private Servers?

    Some people dont want spend their money on PC games! I don't think that the Blizzard Classic WoW kill the private servers.
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    Try to destroy your Hearthstone, after that get a new one from innkeeper.
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    When did you start playing WoW?

    I started at 2008 at private server Maxigame in TBC. Since 2009 WotLK at official server.
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    WoD - Do you like it? - Yes or No? (POLL)

    For me is the best that a Blizzard Entertainment ever did!
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    Repacks with Apache? Why?

    Web sites are not necessary content on repack's. You can search a templates for you. I think this part of work, that you need to do by yourself :p
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    Your favorite race / class?

    Cant say something about race, but class - Death Knight for ever :cool:
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    What is the most unique WoW Private Server you've seen?

    The best repack i ever seen it's Single Player Project - Legion with few features such as solocraft, AHBot, etc. At this repack most content of Legion are scripted. And bonus more for me working Garrison on WOD content!
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    Which patch do you prefer?

    I'm very like the WOD 6.x.x with themes of garrisons. But on this repack's nobody won't work :(
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    Differences between CATA & MOP

    In MOP some classic dungeons had changed. Also i remember that the in MOP after 5.3 patch in-game location at MOP changed. Some builds of classes changed, talent system etc.