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  1. E

    5.4.8 Client Download - Full Downloader (No background download) - Torrent MOP

    Thx for the download link =D
  2. E

    Mist of Pandaria REPACK, 5.4.8 News [27-07-2018]

    Your repacks looks amazing, the amount of work you had to put in them is most likely tremendous. Very nice job
  3. E

    What helps you relax?

    Probably reading, nothing in particular but something that can easily take you out of your mind and just enjoy
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    At what age did you start playing computer games?

    I was 8, played heroes of might and magic 2 at a friend place since I didn't have a pc at home yet.
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    Thx for the welcome !
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    Hi everyone, I'm Everken, a French wow player since 2012. I played on both retails and private server, currently playing on privates servers.
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    What's the best parts in Warlords of Draneor?

    nobody mentionning raids ? the only saving grace of the expansion
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    Count to 1000...

  9. E

    Which patch do you prefer?

    5.2 and 5.4 were definitively my best time in WoW