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  1. B

    Repack With Battle Pets working (MOP or WOD or LEGION

    Thanks was looking for this
  2. B

    Mop World Best repack 5.4.7

  3. B

    Аrе Wоrld оf Wаrсrаft Рrіvаtе Ѕеrvеrs Lеgаl?

    I think as long as Activision Blizzard continue to avoid paying billions in tax then they don't exactly have the moral authority :)
  4. B

    At what age did you start playing computer games?

    '92 or so - Super Mario on the NES :)
  5. B

    Automatic Server Shutdown - Any Suggestions?

    You could try taskkill /f /im and the PID or .exe, save it in a .bat and tie it to windows scheduler EDIT: Sorry I didn't read your post propely, upon ispection you know about taskkill. My bad. There is a command in the worldserver called 'saveall', perhaps it could be used in conunction with...
  6. B

    Count to 1000...

    844 lok'tar