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    [AzerothCore] Phoenix's Single Player Project - Wrath of the Lich King

    Hi there is a question how to turn off autoloot, in the settings of the game it is turned off and still when collecting loot it triggers? On other repacks this is not.
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    Azerothcore 3.3.5 Npcbots, Transmog and Ahbot New source

    Where is the mob Transmog located or how does it work?
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    (2021/2022 UPDATED) Mists of Pandaria Blizzlike Repack (v.1) | Emucoach Christmas/New Year Edition

    Sorry but PayPal does not work in Ukraine, how to be in this case how to pay repack?
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    (2021/2022 UPDATED) Mists of Pandaria Blizzlike Repack (v.1) | Emucoach Christmas/New Year Edition

    В бесплатной точно есть, думаю что в платной тоже будет.