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  1. dokuro

    Créer son serveur !

    hi team i upload multi tips tutorial in french =)
  2. dokuro

    ProjectSkyFire 5.4.8 MoP Repack

    thanks you !!!=)
  3. dokuro

    Minor fixes for v14 05.04.2021

    thanks you very much =)
  4. dokuro

    [CORE 335] Allow flying mounts (aura) for GMs

    Allow flying mounts (aura) for GMs Hello ! If, as GM, you enjoy flying in a flying mount on Azeroth, you may encounter a difficulty when changing area. Indeed, there is a server-side check that will take you down from the mount, even if you are GM. Here's how to fix the problem in the core...
  5. dokuro

    [3.3.5] Gossip NPC Tutorial

    In this tutorial we will see how to simply create a GOSSIP NPC in C ++. The library We must not forget the ScriptedGossip.h library, available in the sources, src \ server \ game \ AI \ ScriptedAI \. There are various useful functions: AddGossipItemFor SendGossipMenuFor...
  6. dokuro

    [3.3.5] TC - Make Phase 0 possible

    TC - Make Phase 0 possible Summary: Tools The Core The Database 1. Tools: A functional core A text editor (Atom, Visual Code, SublimeText) A SGDB (Navicat, SQLYog etc.) A machine to compile .. 2. The Core: You will go to: You are looking for the line...
  7. dokuro

    [3.3.5] TC - Anti_Farm

    Anti Farm Here is a little tip to fight against multi boxing / farming. Open your Player.cpp file. Look for the following line, towards lines 6750: Add this: Compile, enjoy! Credit to : Killit5 from Open-Wow
  8. dokuro

    [3.3.5] Mini Boss C ++ Tutorial

    [3.3.5] Mini Boss C ++ Tutorial In this tutorial we will then see how to just create a little boss. The start script is as follows: In the type enums Spells we will take some easy to use spell, a cleave, and an enrage, nothing more simple. Then there are several functions available like...
  9. dokuro

    SQL 6xx For Alwyn: Make an NPC speak in SmartAI (EVENT_TEXT_OVER)

    For more explian look this video thx =) Demo SmartAI - EVENT_TEXT_OVER.f4v - YouTube Creation of the NPC Creation of the text assigned to the NPC 1000199 Small script to make the gnome speak good game =) Credit to : Stitch from Aquayoup
  10. dokuro

    CORE Resurrected at the place of his death

    Resurrected at the place of his death The resurrection system chosen by Blizzard is understandable in a multiplayer universe and therefore multi tension. The distant distance between his body and the cemetery allows to give time to the pressure to fall back into a PVP environment, to increase...
  11. dokuro

    SQL 6xx Example of custom & SmartAI vehicle

    A vehicle like a Joug tank is nothing else basic than a MOB, not to be confused with a mount invoked. Generally in passive it is possible to assign it just like for a classic MOB an AI thanks to SmartAI. For example : Follow a waitpoint_data and thus make it a means of transport like...
  12. dokuro

    SQL 6xx Dialogs & multiple choice on an NPC by Gossip_menu & SmartAI

    Imgur: The magic of the Internet Gossip_menu: dialogue & multiple choice on an NPC A gossip_menu is simply as shown on the screen a window that opens and offers us several choices. It can be created on a NPC or a gameobject, to illustrate this tutorial I would take the example of a...
  13. dokuro

    SQL 6xx Control point & SmartAI

    Imgur: The magic of the Internet Checkpoint In order to fix (to my sauce) the quest The fortifications of the Hellfire I came up with the idea of a simple & generic script that could be used everywhere. It could for example be used to control a crossing point, a resource or why not a city. In...
  14. dokuro

    DBC 6xx Create a posture or a changeform

    The postures of the warrior or the monk, the changeform or form of flight of the druid like the form of bear, feline or flight use the same process. The only difference is that a changeform will change the player's skin. In order to keep this tutorial as simple as possible, I would detail only...
  15. dokuro

    DBC 6xx Creation or Modification of spell

    Creating a tutorial on the creation of spell is a little utopian since the combinations are very numerous, so I can only take over the wiki and centralize them on one page. 1) To create a spell with DBx I recommend following these few rules: Never delete a line or modify an index number...
  16. dokuro

    SQL 6xx Phasemask in SmartAI

    Phasemask, not to be confused with Phases (ACTION_SET_INGAME_PHASE_MASK), are to AI what Phases are for a player or a mobs. According to an event, the phases are used to project the player into an alternative space and superimposed on different mobs and gobs for a coordinated meme. Phasemask...
  17. dokuro

    SQL 6xx Escort Quest & SmartAI

    The tutorial of the day will cover an escort quest, example: the quest "Get me out of there! 25332". Simple quest where Kristoff Manheim, prisoner of the slum ogres, asks us to help him escape from this cave. The principle is simple, a `waypoint` to define the path it will follow and a small...
  18. dokuro

    DBC 6xx Class: Create a new branch of specialty

    Each class has several specialties such as for example for the warrior: Weapons, Fury and Protection. You have the possibility with this tutorial to create one more branch that you will fill with spell custom. In this tutorial I will detail only the creation of this specialty and not the...
  19. dokuro

    SQL 6xx GameObject: Action & SmartAI

    An example of GameObject of type GOOBER (10) which returns are change of state to SmartAI. This can be a chest, a door, a lever or any object but its animation depends on its displayId. Here a Tablet which after 5s of opening will return a simple credit for the quest 30801.
  20. dokuro

    Tuto SAI-Editor: initiation

    Making a tutorial on SAI-Editor or SmartAI would be a little presumptuous in view of these many possibilities. I will therefore by this tutorial try to make you pass the first impression of complexity that it gives by a discovery of the interface and these main lines, see some examples /...