Search results

  1. Astraroth

    Buy Module Fusion CMS V6 " Migration Character Tool "

    Emucoach Hello friends, I'm looking for a place to buy Migration Module or if someone sells me "Other than the Scripteado of Draken" to introduce this module is very difficult. The module shown in this direction "...
  2. Astraroth

    Buy Modulo " Migration Character Tool "

    Emucoach Hello friends, I'm looking for a place to buy Migration Module or if someone sells me "Other than the Scripteado of Draken" to introduce this module is very difficult.
  3. Astraroth

    Help on "Website"

    || English | Emucoach Hello friends, today I am returning to the Forum to help a friend ... I want to know a little guide on how to configure the following modules and place him as a forum to the website || (Modules) || "Donation Module via PayPal" "Donation Module via PayGol" || Spanish ||...
  4. Astraroth

    Mysql internal error

    Hello friends of Emucoach, I have a problem that I show you in the next image,which makes me to disconnect, I would like to know how to fix it. Error :
  5. Astraroth

    Error in Worldserver

    Hello friends of Emucoach, I have a problem that when you start "worldserver"give me these errors and does not connect to the db of "characters" If someonecould tell me how to fix it, would be grateful to be able to mount a new server forworld of warcraft. I am using version 4.3.4 Error ...
  6. Astraroth

    [ Fusion CMS ] Migration System

    Hello friends of Emucoach am looking for a migration system, who can give me I will be grateful since I need it, before placing my online server. I am using a Base "Trinity Core 4.3.4" and use "Fusion CMS v6"
  7. Astraroth

    Error in WorldServer

    Hello friends of Emucoachw, I am having a problem opening theWorldserver.exe I open and then arriving at this part closes. I am using the DB which brings by Default the compiled Server. DB Errors : The truth is that not is that me is throwing the error. You Use Trinity Core Branch...
  8. Astraroth

    Error In Compilation

    Hello friends of Emucoach, I know that when I'm compile TrinityCore 4.3.4 gives me this error, I have Windows 8.1 and compiling with MS Visual 2010 and MS Visual 2008 9 am and both give me the same error. " Error "
  9. Astraroth

    Promotion NPC

    Hello friends of good Emucoach today I come so give me your help, is that I need a "NPC of promotion" for Trinity Core 4.3.4 to provide "Set Tier 11 Sanoso" for each "class and faction" To be specific "twice by Ip and account" If it could deliver before "March 2" I'll give you a change "Fix...
  10. Astraroth

    I am looking for some Scrips!

    Hello friends of Emucoach am in need of the "scripts" of to "Dragón soul" If someone can provide them I would be grateful
  11. Astraroth

    I am looking for some Scrips!

    Hello friends of Emucoach am in need of the "scripts" of to "Dragón soul" If someone can provide them I would be grateful
  12. Astraroth

    Help Me Launcher WoW

    Hello friends of AC-Web I would like to know how to change the movable image of Deathwing to another of my preference.
  13. Astraroth

    Error The Fusion CMS V6

    Error Fusion CMS V6 Bueno tengo un problema después de la instalación de FusionCMS me sale esto: :(:(
  14. Astraroth

    How to Create Web Page?

    Good Friends of Ac-Web I would like to know how to create my Website Footsteps, have the Themas Next Webs Site but is not as place i am new to this. Allianz : Drake : CataFusion : They Themes Fusion CMS 6 I would like to know how to Install it and do not know how.
  15. Astraroth

    Help Me

    I have a Problem Importing this Shield That I Myself have Created from WoW-V
  16. Astraroth

    I Need Help

    Hello Friends of Emucoach, well I need help with the following things: As Custom Weapons Add to Repack of EmuCoach What type of server is | If (Trinity, Aspire, MaNGOS, Ascent, ArcEmu> v2801 or ArcEmu <v2801) As Reaml of Change (Localhost the one I want for example: set realmlist...
  17. Astraroth

    Sword an Shield ( Overlord )

    This is a Sword and a Shield that myself and personalized and created. They are Emulators For The Following: ArcEmu <v2801, ArcEmu> v2801, Ascent, Aspire, Mangos and Trinity.
  18. Astraroth

    I need a Blizzlike Repack 4.3.4

    Hi I need a Blizzlike Repack 4.3.4, the best they have.
  19. Astraroth

    New Sword ( The Overlord )

    New sword made by me, for those seeking a sword that is Very Powerful, but difficult to find. Link to download :
  20. Astraroth

    Infernal WoW Renovated 4.3.4 & 5.0.5

    Infernal WoW is Dedicated Cataclysm & MOP private server that focuses on giving the amazing PvP/PVE experience and Gameplay to 100% Rates , Event , Promotion and More. Kingdoms: Genesis x6 (Cata 4.3.4) Dragon Soul x1 (Cata 4.3.4) Mop: (5.0.5) Starting Zone : ( Allianze ) Pandare (Mop)...