Welcome to LegacyWotlk, WotLK enthusiast. LegacyWotlk project started on 4th of April 2020, we follow the same logic Blizzard did in their early stages of WotLK.
As you know, we host new progressive Wrath of the Lich King pve realm, whichs dedicated to the international community...
Progressive system
• Each raid will require the previous tier raid's achievement.
For example, once you complete Naxxramas 10-player mode, the Ulduar 10-player mode will open for you.
• All Northrend Non-Heroic & 5-player heroic mode Dungeons is open, except: Trial of the Champion, The Forge...
As months of development have been poured into the project, the realm design has been an ongoing subject of discussion among ourselves.
To get the cleaner vision and better understanding of our players needs, we would like to ask you for few minutes of your time to vote for the server rates...
Wrathgate invites avid gaming communities to experience Wrath of the Lich King. We aim to deliver the most complete, stable, optimized and secure experience. With over 10 experienced staff members we are working to deliver retail PvP mechanics and PvE gameplay aspects. That's pretty hard thing...
That’s the project of incredible humble and dedicated guys, who just loves to play Wrath of the Lich King. After years and years of playing World of Warcraft, they decided to take make something special by creating server that produce more than any other servers - values. After weeks of hard...
That’s the project of incredible humble and dedicated guys, who just loves to play Wrath of the Lich King. After years and years of playing World of Warcraft, they decided to take make something special by creating server that produce more than any other servers - values. After weeks of hard...
The Beta Testing is finally over, HUGE thanks to all for your dedication.
Wrathgate is finally online and ready to play!
Claim your Instant Level 70 right away and join the battle!
Wrathgate-WoW | Fresh Blizzlike Progressive WOTLK Private Server