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  1. sLider72jr

    Chrome OS?

    Thanks for the information! I wasn't too serious with the topic, it was just a passing thought I had.
  2. sLider72jr

    Count To 2.000

  3. sLider72jr

    Chrome OS?

    Hello Emucoach! It's been a while since I've been on. But I had a weird question I wanted to ask. Will the 4.3.4 work on a Chrome OS? I've been thinking about getting one to help with different work projects and I would be interested if there is a way to get Cata to run on one.
  4. sLider72jr

    [NEW REPACK] 7.3.5 LEGION WoW Repack - WoW Legion 7.3.5 Repack - Blizzlike & Fun

    I've been a member for some time now and I can't wait to try this one out. I'm a big fan of Cata so I hope y'all keep going strong!
  5. sLider72jr

    5.4.8 config error

    I have the MySQL, Auth, World, and Client running. But when I log in, It says that 5.4.7 is detected and I need to get 5.4.8 Does anyone recognize this or have dealt with this error?
  6. sLider72jr

    Setting Up 5.4.8

    I got the relm list asking to update it sorry about the size. This is as big as I could get it
  7. sLider72jr

    Setting Up 5.4.8

    So I've had 4.3.4 for a while and I thought I would try 5.4.8 However, I don't know how to set up the files to get them to work. I can start up the MySQL and it runs fine. But when I launch the authserver I get the following error The code execution cannot proceed because libcrypto-1_1x64.dll...
  8. sLider72jr

    GM stuck

    I have a new issue that I'm not sure how this happened. I was configuring the 4.3.4. repack and when I was finished, my account is now stuck in gm mode. Does anyone know how to fix this?
  9. sLider72jr

    4.3.4. Error

    I need some help getting my client to connect to the server. When I put in the username and password 'admin', I get an error saying that the account has a temporary suspension. Has anyone had this issue before?
  10. sLider72jr

    Getting off the ground

    Hello all. I am fairly new to the community and interested in what to do next. I am looking for someone that can teach me what to do next and how to prepare for a repack. I have basic knowledge about coding and whatnot, but I don't know what the first step is. I am also interested in...