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  1. TheKillerChicken

    Project Wrathnilla+ [AzerothCore] (Modded WotLK 3.3.5a)

    Going to be following this repack as it interests me.
  2. TheKillerChicken

    [AzerothCore] Phoenix's Single Player Project - Wrath of the Lich King

    I hope you are still around, I am having issues with the Auth and the World insta-closing upon execution.
  3. TheKillerChicken

    [AzerothCore] Phoenix's Single Player Project - Wrath of the Lich King

    I am curious, is it possible to have a lot of playerbots, like greater than 200 without causing the server to collapse? Oh yea, and I can now connect to my server. It was windows server on my gamer being a dingus and blocking legitimate traffic silently. I am now using Windows 10.
  4. TheKillerChicken

    [AzerothCore] Phoenix's Single Player Project - Wrath of the Lich King

    I have noticed with this being stuck at connecting is that I looked into my client logs, and it shows "ClientConnection Initiating: COP_AUTHENTICATE code=CSTATUS_AUTHENTICATING", but nothing more.
  5. TheKillerChicken

    [AzerothCore] Phoenix's Single Player Project - Wrath of the Lich King

    Yea, aparently I have the wording skills of a cement mixer. I meant the world on my client is showing yellow. I fixed that in an edit.
  6. TheKillerChicken

    [AzerothCore] Phoenix's Single Player Project - Wrath of the Lich King

    I am having an issue with the world showing as yellow on my client. I have all ports forwarded and firewall rules allowed, and assigned the client/server to my server IP address through authserver.conf and worldserver.conf as well as the realm to the server IP using Navicat and modifying the...
  7. TheKillerChicken

    [AzerothCore] Phoenix's Single Player Project - Wrath of the Lich King

    I am having an issue where the MySql insta-closes, no logs at all. I cannot use Discord due to security reasons, so this is the only place I can talk to you. Also, when I do try to download mysql, if that is the cause of this error, simply does not connect to the download server.
  8. TheKillerChicken

    [AzerothCore] Phoenix's Single Player Project - Wrath of the Lich King

    What is the core file location, exactly?
  9. TheKillerChicken

    [AzerothCore] Phoenix's Single Player Project - Wrath of the Lich King

    I also want to add that the MySql loads then closes within the same split second, no logs at all.
  10. TheKillerChicken

    [AzerothCore] Phoenix's Single Player Project - Wrath of the Lich King

    Will I be able to run this on a dedicated server and have the client on my gaming computer?
  11. TheKillerChicken

    At what age did you start playing computer games?

    I was around 6. On a 80486DX with windows 3.1 and it started with Commander Keen. Ah yes, good old Vesa Local Bus technology. A whopping 256 KB video ram, shared with the IDE controller, floppy controller, serial ports, and LPT printer port. When I moved to Windows 95, it was a whole different...
  12. TheKillerChicken

    Why did you leave Retail?

    Do you notice them death-matching a lot instead of doing what they are supposed to do in BGs? That is what I see with them all the time and just want to know if others have experienced this.
  13. TheKillerChicken

    Why did you leave Retail?

    I left it due to how bad it was getting (in my opinion). Then hearing years later about how Blizzard treats their female employees. I hope Micro$courage (Microsoft) can fix this. I also heard about how they treated their E-Sports division, which made me even less wanting to support them. I...
  14. TheKillerChicken

    Can't connect to server

    Also make sure that the mysqld.exe is not I/O thrashing as that can cause you to be stuck at connected. Get process hacker, then monitor the mysqld and see if the I/Os are high or not. If that is not the issue, then perhaps you did not set the /mop_auth/realmlist address to your local IP. You...
  15. TheKillerChicken

    Wrong Loggers configuration? please help me

    You need to omit (#) before anything that relates to the logs in the authserver and worldserver configs. NOTE: It may or may not work., I had to fiddle around a bit to get it working. I moved back to NTFS as exFAT was way too slow with ~4k bots. Too much I/O throughput with the MySqld.exe, even...
  16. TheKillerChicken

    [5.4.8] Quests for all Professions

    I am not getting any errors at all. What is going on is I cannot learn beyond 75 skill points and cannot learn new professions even though I have successfully installed the new SQLs. I just looked at my logs and cannot see any errors about this.
  17. TheKillerChicken

    Wrong Loggers configuration? please help me

    I had that issue as I am running my partition on an ExFAT and that caused issues. I had to disable all logging to get it to run.
  18. TheKillerChicken

    wowhead that is time period accurate to mists of pandaria?

    What the hell does that have to do with WoWHead? Are you next going to claim that trees invented the floppy disk?
  19. TheKillerChicken

    [5.4.8] Quests for all Professions

    I was able to inject the SQLs successfully, but it seems like they are not working in game. I cleared the client caches as well.