Search results

  1. R

    Tame Beast - VIP v10 Cataclysm bug

    Hello, Does anyone know a fix for the spell "Tame Beast" for hunters? It seems bugged, and doesn't actually tame the beast.
  2. R

    Worldserver spams Enchancement errors

    Hi, Does anyone know what it means when my worldserver spams "ERROR [sql.sql] Enchantment id XXX used but it doesn't have records in 'ItemRandomProperties.dbc'" How do i fix it? it seems like it freezes the server for a few seconds and then it works a bit afterwards?
  3. R

    World server - error in code

    [Location, Faction, Race] Started when i completed the first few quests on deathknight. [Name, Type] Error message and "crashes" / freezes server [Problem Description] The error occures randomly now after roughly 20 seconds when i have opened the server, and when the error message popsup, the...
  4. R

    VIP Cataclysm Repack - Application Error

    Hello Support, For some reason my cataclysm repack (VIP v10) gets an error when i try to launch it, anyone recognize this problem? OS: Windows 10 - 64 Bit I would be glad if anyone could Teamview me and assist me from there :) Discord: DonNilsson#7631
  5. R

    VIP Status

    Hello, anyone that haven't recieved their VIP as of yet? I purchased 3½ hours ago, and still haven't recieved it, what should i do?