"Reviving the Impossible: The Rebirth of EMUCOACH"
Today, we find ourselves at a special moment. Not long ago, the EMUCOACH project was all but silent, with few updates, and many of us wondered if it would ever come back to life. But something incredible has happened: the project has been...
Masmorras normal y heroicas: funcionando al 98%
Gestas normal y heroica funcionado al 95%
Misiones normales y diarias: funcionando al 94%
Clases y razas: funcionando al 97%
Logros e items: funcionando al 92%
Masmorras normal y heroicas: funcionando al 100%...
by performing various tests, i have managed to come to the conclusion that this problem is generated when raising the character to level 90 with commands when the character is raised with a chain of missions it does not happen. try this @ExO to see if you can replicate the problem.