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  1. H

    Private Server Help

    I just set up my own server using a WoTLK repack and it plays great on the computer I setup the server on but when i try to log into the server on my home network with another computer it doesn't work. Obviously there is something else I am supposed to do that I don't know. So can someone...
  2. H

    WOTLK or MoP Talents

    I am getting ready to start my own private server for my family using a repack and i wanted to know if there was a way to change the number of talents and pet talents that were earned per level? I know I can use gm codes but they reset every log on or off as well as at every level so I just...
  3. H

    Making my Own Server

    So I am planning on using a repack (either WOTLK or MOP) to make a server on my home network for myself, my wife, and my son mainly. At most I would have 5 people on there. Does anyone out there have a idea for the stats I would need on my computer that is being used as the server? I am...