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  1. S

    How do different repacks function?

    Hello, For example, are any MoP repacks more stable with Cata content? If so, how can they be more stable compared to Cata repacks? Or WotLK content in a Cata repack? I have not DL'd one yet, but I wanted to understand how different versions can work together. Thank you!
  2. S

    Which database would house the rage/runic/focus/energy income rates?

    I am unable to affect the rates in the regular world conf file for focus and energy, so I wanted to dig and see where the issue is. I know they are listed as resources on WoWhead but after sifting through in HeidiSQL, I cannot for the life of me find them. Any help is appreciated! Thank you!
  3. S

    Rate.Energy does not alter in game rate - Cata 4.3.4 Repack

    [Location, Faction, Race] All, All, All (presumably; have tested Human, Night Elf, Worgen so far) [Name, Type] Energy, Rogue resource [Problem Description] Changing the "Rate.Energy" value in worldserver.conf does not affect energy gain rate; have tried values 0.1, 3, 9, and 30000 with no change...
  4. S

    Keyring Missing - Cata 4.3.4 repack

    Lovely jubly, thank you!
  5. S

    Is there a way to reduce drop rates?

    Heya, I'm using the 4.3.4 Cata repack, and even with all the loot drop rates set to 1 in the world config, I'm getting four or five greens and blues on -every- mob. Has anyone else encountered and fixed this? Thank you!
  6. S

    Keyring Missing - Cata 4.3.4 repack

    [Location, Faction, Race] Everywhere, Both Factions, Every Race [Name, Type] Keyring Bag [Problem Description] Keyring is missing and inaccessible; keys are going into regular backpack [How it should work] The keyring button should be visible to the left of the bags bar and keys should be placed...
  7. S

    Excessive Number of Greens - 4.3.4 Cata

    Hello, I had my uncommon loot multiplier set to 10 several weeks ago, then dropped it down to 1 because the number of greens I was getting was absurd. However, I am frequently getting mobs with ten or more greens in Westfall. I haven't played in a while and it only really ramped up when I went...
  8. S

    How do you modify databases like reputation_reward_rate?

    I have mysql workbench but i have no idea what i'm doing; the guild reputation isn't affected by the reputation rate in the regular world config, so I read on another post from 2014 that it would be edited in reputation_reward_rate. However, the reputation ID for guilds is 1168, so can I add it...
  9. S

    Missing Autoshoot for Hunter

    [SOLVED] Good day, There is an autoattack that has to be manually activated, e.g. arcane shot does not trigger autoshoot. Is there a way to make any attack trigger autoshoot? Thank you! UPDATE: Turns out it's just missing the animation of a drawn bow; I am able to autoshoot. :)
  10. S

    In game status: "Download 89% Complete"

    Hello, I got the shindig working, but I am unsure why it says this when I hover over the "menu" icon. Is there a way to find out what I'm still missing for the client or what my DL rate is (I have a poor connection, I just want to make sure there's at least a little bit being downloaded)...