Search results

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    Hyperions Wrath 4.3.4 Fire god

    {Server name} -Hyperion's wrath -New cata server! -4.3.4 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, [Server Rate's] -x25 exp. Rate! -x10 rep. Rate! -x5 gold. Rate! -x5prof. Rate! -x10 drop. Rate! -x2 honor Rate! -x2 talent Rate! # so at 85 you will have 82 points. -1.5% Base Movement Speed...
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    Hyperions Wrath 4.3.4

    {Server name} -Hyperion's wrath -New cata server! -4.3.4 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, [Server Rate's] -x25 exp. Rate! -x10 rep. Rate! -x5 gold. Rate! -x5prof. Rate! -x10 drop. Rate! -x2 honor Rate! -x2 talent Rate! # so at 85 you will have 82 points. -1.5% Base...
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    rbac missing

    your repack is missing all its rbac so no one can que for RDF. any reson to this. if so how can i get all the info i need to fix it
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    Hyperions Wrath 4.3.4 Fire god

    Hello and Welcome. We are a new server going online and we have decided to make this server a Cata 4.3.4 server. my team only really consists of 3 people some might say we are the three muskateers We have been friends for a long time and thought why not make something for everyone to enjoy and...
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    <Hyperion's Wrath> FIre god looking for DEV to join the team.

    Hello and Welcome. We are a new server going online and we have decided to make this server a Cata 4.3.4 server. my team only really consists of 3 people some might say we are the three muskateers We have been friends for a long time and thought why not make something for everyone to enjoy and...
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    Hyperions Wrath 4.3.4

    Hello and Welcome. We are a new server going online and we have decided to make this server a Cata 4.3.4 server. my team only really consists of 3 people some might say we are the three muskateers We have been friends for a long time and thought why not make something for everyone to enjoy and...
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    need a 4.3.4 repack team members

    HELLO my name is alfred. I am wanting to start up a new english 4.3.4 cata server. i am in need of help with getting one set up. right now i have a domain name+ 1&1 vps hosting site ready to link the server so others can join. i am wanting to add new legendarys-world bosses-rares to the lvl 85...