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    Mission: While Hyjal Burns. (V13.1)

    There is a fix for this in one of the threads
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    Guardians of Hyjal: Call of the Ancients

    Been a little quiet of late as my group of testers hasn't found many other bugs which is a good sign :) But they did find and report this one. Unable to complete the Hyjal Quest Line "Gaurdians of Hyjal: call of the Ancients", I believe its because of phasing as you quest through Hyjal and...
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    A Few quest issues

    First of all please do not take this thread as complaining as I am about to list 7 quests that are bugged. A few people in my guild from LOTRO are testing the crap out of the repack doing every quest etc and have been sending me bug reports. Since we use this repack to fill our raid itch when...
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    Zul’Drak - Alchemist Finklestein - Lab Work

    Zul’Drak - Alchemist Finklestein - Lab Work (12557), when you collect the 4 individual items the quest does not acknowledge you have them so you can’t progress to the next stage.
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    Help please to put server online 4.3.4 cata

    There seems to be in issue with people running the battlenet launcher not being able to connect to v13 with the client. Any ideas on a work around?
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    FusionGEN, Continuation Open-Source Project of FusionCMS.

    You have to reinstall it and designate your GM account on your repack server as the owner account
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    FusionCMS - WoWRises Theme

    Does this work with FusionGEN as well?
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    [NEW REPACK] 7.3.5 LEGION WoW Repack - WoW Legion 7.3.5 Repack - Blizzlike & Fun

    You have to download the 64bit of OpenSSL then copy those files from the /bin folder.
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    [NEW REPACK] 7.3.5 LEGION WoW Repack - WoW Legion 7.3.5 Repack - Blizzlike & Fun

    I did not see a way to start Apache or Fusion CMS. Was this missing from the repack or just not included?
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    Addon Npcbot_Cata

    Great work, can't wait to try the new version
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    Heirloom Armor

    Is there a way to scale the Heirloom armor to go from 1-85 instead of 1-80? I am new to this so figured I would ask here. Thanks in advance