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  1. F


    OPEN LETTER TO ASCENSION.GG 29/8/2023 Hi Guys, First - would like to say it's been great playing on your realms. Don't visit often these days - here's why; Personally, I do not like the random draw version - it's fun once but not more - so do not play seasonal. This leads to a division of...
  2. F

    I would like to have all maps at 1-110 level

    Something similar at work over on << the characters in the start zones level with the player. You might try asking on their discord as to how this was achieved?
  3. F

    GHATGPT / LUA generation ...

    Here's another try (read "FAIL!") ... local aI -- auction item local hB -- highest bid local hBN -- highest bidder name local t -- timer local function StartAuction(itemLink) aI = itemLink hB = 0 hBN = nil SendChatMessage("THANKS SIR! NOW AUCTIONING - "..aI..". Who will start me off...
  4. F

    GHATGPT / LUA generation ...

    Hi Guys. We want an addon for WotLK 335a Trinitycore with ChatGPT3.5 A description of the desired addon, and the generated code are below. Cannot get it to run (tried different clients and servers - its the code not the setup). A TOC file and LUA file were added to the addons folder...