When getting janice to a point where she splits off into illusions the illusions will hit you for 1.3k each this is wrong as a tank only has around 4k health, and when you have 15 illusions on you. its insta death.
cant get an id for her
Server hard crashes in maraudon dungeon repeatable everytime
i think it maybe related to a spell cast here is the last entry from my server log
CastSpell: unknown spell id 28445 by caster: creature (Entry: 70150)
World Thread hangs, kicking out server!
barbed lasher
foulspore cavern
Hi all,
i've tested this a few times and remember from my old days of wow,
The Green version is suppose to not affect you as long as you constantly move
whilst RED requires you to stand still for no damage - red works, green doesn't
so currently moving whilst green is cast will instant kill...