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  1. Knindza

    Shadowburn | Frozen Nexus | Custom 3.3.5a Progressive Realm

    Release date - 5th May, 2019! ● What is Shadowburn? -Shadowburn is small community with few dedicated developers that work on our favorite expansion - Wrath of the Lich King. - Our goal is to make something unique, that will provide solid PvE and PvP experience while having fun in every other...
  2. Knindza

    Frozen Nexus - Shadowburn's Progressive Realm

    Website Forums Discord Greetings everyone! In last few months we worked a lot on our new, fresh, progressive realm. Having said that, current release date is August 1st. Quick info: * Blizzlike 1x Rates * Progressive * Nothing Custom Released on start: * Naxxramas * Vault of Archavon * The...
  3. Knindza

    Shadowburn Entertainment [Info, Features & FAQ]

    Shadowburn [Info & Features] Website Forums Discord Shadowburn is newly opened Wrath of the Lich King (3.3.5a) server. We have Custom Realm(s) which give our players a chance to level a bit faster and use some of our Unique Features. PvE and PvP wise, we strive to have best possible...
  4. Knindza

    [SQL] Halls of Stone (Tribunal of the Ages)

    Hey, For some reason, Tribunal of the Ages not working well on Trinity core. Here's small fix for NPC's that coming and attacking Brann during encounter. -- Creating a new SmartAI script for [Creature] ENTRY 27983 (name: Dark Rune Protector) -- Table creature_template UPDATE...