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    AmdWoW 2017+ || wwW.AmdWoW.Net ||

    AmdWoW 2017+ || wwW.AmdWoW.Net || [Official AmdWoW] [Short History] AmdWoW was known under these abbreviations as Damage WoW & Wrath WoW and was became live around july of 2006 under the following address raised by a Chinese developement team which brought the most wonderful world...
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    World of Warcraft Downloader

    Hello, I got pretty bored today so I decided to create this application which allows you to download every World of Warcraft expansion since Vanilla to Legion. If you have any issue, please report here: Official Source...
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    TrinityCore Spawn Creator

    What is TrinityCore Spawn Creator? This program has been created in C# by me ( for TrinityCore to simplify server administrators work while creating items, npcs, objects, etc. Since WoW-V is shutdown I decided to create this application and also public source for those who...
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    Hello there

    Hello there guys, I'm Alex, programmer in C# and wow dev for more than 4 years been into wow emulation.