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  1. R

    [NEW VERSION] 4.3.4 Blizzlike Cataclysm - v.7 - [EmuCoach Official Cataclysm Repack]

    why arnt there dungeon bosses in some dungeons
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    im using jcarter 4.3.4 bot core repack where are the items

    Items_template hasnt got the weapons or anything in where are they on this repack
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    Dungeon quests not working on [Trinity] BotCore 335 & 434

    Dungeon quests not showing up at all how do i fix this and there problems with dungeons like in shadowfang keep all the people are dead on the first side of the gate the monsters are alive though
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    Wow 4.3.4 server how to add bots npc

    Im using Release - 4 - Free - Deathwing's Madness 4.3.4 Server repack How do i add npc bots in this easily ive tried downloading some already but the only pc with internet i can use is blocking mediafire and most other download sites as : Personal Network Storage Could you upload the most...
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    Hi Annoying problem Solved For Wow Working offline

    IF you are running a server emulator for wow on and are not connected to the internet you will get An unknown error when you start wow.exe To fix This Edit wow.mfil so its not readonly and change The location= part so you remove the entire link accept from the last bit...
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    My wow server i made For my pc For offline use crashes

    When I make a race worgon blood elf and someother races mwow.exe crashes human and night elf work fine Im playing it offline with the emu coach 4.3.4 repack the client size is around 14GB
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    World of warcraft 4.3.4

    when i start wow.exe I get an unknown error but it works fine if im connect to internet i need it to work offline though thats why ive set up the emucoach server emulator to play it offline ive tried editing wow.mfil to localhost Which i fought would sort this but still get same error please...