Search results

  1. Bogi

    AMD WoW

    Hello everyone! I was wondering does anyone here maybe have some files / core / db or anything really from AMD. I would very much like to reopen it again some day. So any info can be useful. P.S. I read all the threads abut it and I saw the 1 release but the links are broken etc. So please...
  2. Bogi

    [TrinityCore] Free Compelling Services

    Core compiling Hello everyone I am offering you an amazing service and the best part is... That it is FREE OF CHARGE! - TrinityCore 3.3.5 branch for Windows - TrinityCore 3.3.5 branch for Linux (Ubuntu preferable) - TrinityCore 4.3.4 branch for Windows - TrinityCore 4.3.4 branch for Linux...
  3. Bogi

    [TrinityCore] How to compile a fresh 3.3.5 core for Windows

    TUTORIAL How to compile a fresh TrinityCore 3.3.5 on Windows Step one: let me tell you what you are going to need to to this. Download: GitExtensions Newest Version Download Visual C++ 2012 Desktop Edition Newest Version Download CMake Win32 Installer Download OpenSSL Win32...
  4. Bogi

    world.exe stops at some point of loading

    Okay so I managed to compile my core, I started MySQL server, made 3 dbs, auth,characters and world. In the auth db I loaded the auth_database.sql file that was in my Source/sql/base/ directory, I did the same thing for the characters db Source/sql/base/characters_database.sql. Then for the...
  5. Bogi

    Error on compiling on Ubuntu 14.04

    I'm trying to compile the core on Ubuntu and when i run command 'make' it works till 30% then it just stops with the following code: ASSERT(_headerBuffer.GetActiveSize() == ClientPktHeader::SizeOf[_initialized][_authCrypt.IsInitialized()], "Header size %u different than expected %u"...
  6. Bogi

    Project from beginning to the end

    I am looking for a really good and skilled developers so we can make a project from 0% to 100% complete and unique. I know this is a huge project but the goal is to make the best and most advanced server or repack as you wish to call it. People who are interested and skilled and are motivated to...
  7. Bogi


    Hello everyone. I was told that opening this thread is allowed here, so I was wondering if anyone could help me get a nulled FusionCMS? I am aware that is unfair because people worked their ass off for it and it deserves a price tag, but unfortunately I don't have money to purchase it, and above...
  8. Bogi

    CMake BOOST_ROOT error

    I finally got my openSSL and Visual Studio to work, and now I am getting an CMake error message: "CMake Error at cmake/macros/ConfigureBoost.cmake:17 (message): No BOOST_ROOT environment variable could be found! Please make sure it is set and the points to your Boost installation. Call...
  9. Bogi

    Tutorial from beginning to the end

    I was wondering if someone could make a full tutorial for (Trynity or Skyfire core 4.3.4) from 0 to 100%. What I mean? A lot of people are trying to figure out things how everything works, but unfortunately tutorials everywhere are not complete. I had an idea to start with compiling a core, then...