Camera gets bugged when you dismount it gets stuck on your butt area and stays like that till logged out (couldnt find a fix online)
second is the vendor in SW sells DS gear theres 2 of him
one sells everything and the other is just tier pieces from DS
if anyone can help me with these fixes...
i added items to the vendor but im not to sure how to make the items i put in there for free.
i saw some people saying edit the db or something in the area but i looked in mysql and im not sure how to edit the db or find what im suppose to change to make it free. (Im new to creating a private...
ok so long story short it doesnt come already sorted out and im use to downloading packs that are already in the right folder location.
so thats what i need to know im stuck on where to put all these extra files that came with the 4.3.4 emucoach repack...
i downloaded a fresh cata 4.3.4 and changed the realmlist to
then i put the default admin log in
says connecting then says cant connect.
i don't know if im missing something? please help thank you ^.^
i get a error opening MySQL.bat for the first time any ideas why
i fixed that issue but now i cant log onto my server. i changed the setrealmlist to
all it does is connect then say world server is down or whatever...