Search results

  1. Gilroes

    [NEW REPACK] 3.3.5 Wrath of the Lich King TrinityCore - v0.1 - [Official Repack]

    Thanks for this, much appreciated for those who don't have the resources to compile.
  2. Gilroes

    Long time no see <3

    Long time no see <3
  3. Gilroes


    Hi, I've always had the original 4.3.4 client and I always launcher using the launcher to join my private server but today blizzard took the update server offline and now the launcher can't download the PatchSequenceFile.txt, I used to have it downloaded but I got rid of it accidentally as I...
  4. Gilroes

    [BUG REPORT] Contains Multiple Bugs

    Hello, Today I have worked on making a bug text document, I have included bug reports that should be high priority. I will continue to add onto this. EDIT: A virustotal link for those who want one ( here ).
  5. Gilroes

    Official Client Download

    Hello, Is there any official Blizzard 4.3.4 Cataclysm client installer? I've searched everywhere but I couldn't find any. If there is one please let me know! Thanks <3
  6. Gilroes

    [6.3] Hamstring Spell Crashes Server

    Hi, I was playing on my Human Warrior and used Hamstring and it crashed the server with: ( ). I don't know why but here is the crash error.
  7. Gilroes

    [6.2] Guard/NPC Bug

    Hi, In every alliance/horde town or city guards will not spawn when a player of the opposing faction comes nearby that town or city, this means that a player could easily pillage a town or city without these guards, Also sometimes a NPC will call out for help which will trigger a guard of the...
  8. Gilroes

    Event Scripts

    Hi, So I'm having a wonderful time playing this repack (I love it!) and I tried some events out but none work correctly, decorations and quest NPC's do not spawn is some places. The only event that works 1% is the Hallow's End, I can get the pumpkin things in the inn's and stuff but the...
  9. Gilroes

    World of Warcraft - Cataclysm 4.3.4

    Hi, I'm starting a World of Warcraft Blizzlike server, I have got it all ready for the public to play I hope you enjoy it and I will be editing this with a better thread about the server. Realmlist: set realmlist set patchlist set realmlistbn "" set...
  10. Gilroes

    How to make a NPC follow a NPC?

    Anyone know how I make a NPC follow another NPC? - Thanks
  11. Gilroes


    Ah, I guess I'll have to wait till V6 gets relased for normal users. How long now?
  12. Gilroes


    Hello, I am currently looking for Testers to help me find bugs and glitches, all testers are required to dedicate atleast 1 hour on the server and above the age of 16, I have a client ready for the testers to use to connect to the server and I will make them a account with the full expansion...
  13. Gilroes


    Hi, Where can I get all the default game event scripts? Because the ones I currently have are buggy, some events don't spawn the decs or NPC's or whatever. Also how I install them. Server Info: Expansion: Cataclysm Patch: 4.3.4 - Thankies :)